Community Events & Event Hosting
Community Event Hire
At SENstation, we are aware that SEND families often would love to participate in big community events but struggle to do so because it isn't suitable for SEND individuals for a variety of reasons- large crowd anxiety, sensory overload, fear of what others think about your child's behaviour... the list goes on. This is why we offer a safe inclusive space for SEND individuals to regulate if they are feeling overwhelmed by offering a mobile sensory room. We use bubble tubes, infinity tunnels and other sensory lighting in a dark marquee to help them relax and regulate. We are there as a preventive and in crisis service, to help.
As well as this, we can offer activities like messy play, lego building, soft play, shape sorting etc... Our hope is that whilst SEND families feel like they can be included in family events, that they can create happy family memories and aid positive transitions for individuals. We are aware that SEND families usually struggle with these experiences. We hope by offering this services regularly to family event oreganisers, we can help reduce sensitivities and build crucial life skills for future events.
We offer reduced rates for charities and non-profit organisations who are funding the services themselves.
If you would like to hire us for your event to make it more accommodating for everybody please contact us on...
PHONE: 074149405358
Event Hosting
SENstation will also offer the communities of Worcestershire and West Midlands opportunities to attend SEND-centred events throughout the year at local venues. We offer a safe, non-judgmental space for SEND families to access where we can support and signpost much needed services.
Our events welcome all ages and abilities as we appreciate that chronological age doesn't always reflect developmental age. Non-SEND individuals are also encouraged to be part of the diverse environments we provide during our events.
Tickets for these experiences will be available to book prior to the day (see our upcoming events page). We will always offer a quiet hour, which will be limited on spaces to ensure we can accommodate for individuals who need a quieter/less busy environment.
General admission will be open to the public in the hope that this will bring diversity together by creating opportunities for interaction and awareness between neurodiverse and neurotypical communities.
Spring, Summer, Autumn & Winter, we offer our services throughout the whole year covering all main seasonal events such as Easter, Halloween and Christmas.